Kαλώς ήρθες στην Filippos Healthcare
Μια Συνεπής και Δημιουργική Ομάδα
Εργασία στην Filippos Healthcare
Η Filippos Healthcare επενδύει στο ανθρώπινο δυναμικό, τόσο για την λειτουργική της επάνδρωσή, όσο και στην συνεργασία με εξειδικευμένους επιστήμονες για την έρευνα και την ανάπτυξη νέων προϊόντων και ιδεών.
Ενδιαφέρεστε για την ανάπτυξη και προώθηση, νέων, καινοτόμων και ασφαλών προϊόντων και υπηρεσιών στην βιομηχανία της Υγείας;
Αναζητείτε ευκαιρίες εργασίας, ή είστε ένας/μία Eπαγγελματίας Yγείας και επιθυμείτε να εξερευνήσετε τη δυνατότητα συνεργασίας μαζί μας;
Θα χαρούμε να επικοινωνήσουμε σχετικά με σας!
Our Values
Συνέπεια και υπευθυνότητα
Δημιουργική σκέψη “έξω από το κουτί”
Βελτίωση της ζωής των συνανθρώπων μας
Ποιότητα και υψηλή απόδοση σε κάθε δράση
Πώς θα μπορούσαμε να συνεργαστούμε;
Οδηγός μας η βελτίωση της θεραπείας των ανθρώπων
Γειά σας!
We are convinced that you are an important part of our future. Hopefully, we’re also a part of yours! At Filippos Healthcare, we protect and improve the health of people worldwide. That is our shared vision.
In order to meet this demand, we continuously develop and improve the production of our pharmaceutical and medical technology products using agile processes. Success in regular audits and inspections have confirmed our methods.
You know how to monitor and evaluate processes, and we want to work with you to safeguard and increase our quality. We provide a working environment where trust, transparency and appreciation are the foundation of our cooperation. A large collaborative network enables continued development for you, for us and for the health of people worldwide. This is how we create our contribution to intelligent and sustainable healthcare. Together. That’s Sharing Expertise.
We back up your time and talent
Talents like you need time and space to unfold their full potentials. Our goal as organization is to provide you with the right conditions to fully focus on your professional challenges.
Below some of your future co-workers state what is most important for them regarding Filippos Healtccare.
Ας επικοινωνήσουμε!
Hello, nice to see you here!
We are convinced that you are an important part of our future. Hopefully, we’re also a part of yours! At Filippos Healthcare, we protect and improve the health of people worldwide. That is our shared vision.
In order to meet this demand, we continuously develop and improve the production of our pharmaceutical and medical technology products using agile processes. Success in regular audits and inspections have confirmed our methods.
You know how to monitor and evaluate processes, and we want to work with you to safeguard and increase our quality. We provide a working environment where trust, transparency and appreciation are the foundation of our cooperation. A large collaborative network enables continued development for you, for us and for the health of people worldwide. This is how we create our contribution to intelligent and sustainable healthcare. Together. That’s Sharing Expertise.
We back up your time and talent
Talents like you need time and space to unfold their full potentials. Our goal as organization is to provide you with the right conditions to fully focus on your professional challenges.
Below some of your future co-workers state what is most important for them regarding Filippos Healtccare.
Ας επικοινωνήσουμε!